CSE style is maintained by the Council of Science Editors to promote the publication of scientific scholarship across many science fields. Because it serves a wide range of fields, CSE style offers two distinct citation styles: Citation-Sequence and Name-Year. Determine which style is appropriate and use it consistently. For additional guidance, please visit the CSE Citation Quick Guide.
When using Citation-Sequence, use superscripted numbers (1,2,3) to cite sources. If a source is cited multiple times in the paper, number it based on the sequence it is first cited and use that number in subsequent citations. For example, if a book by Smith is the first source cited in a paper, it should be cited with the number "1", and that number should be used every time that source is cited later in the paper.
In the reference page, list the sources in the order their citations appear in the text of the paper. Entries with more than ten authors list the first ten authors followed by "et al." References should have a hanging indent (the first line is not indented, and all additional lines are indented .5 inches).
The "extent" of a book could include its page numbers or its volume number. The "notes" can include optional information of interest to the reader like the language or required information like the URL of an online work.
Author(s). Title. Edition. Place of publication: publisher; date. Extent. Notes.
Scaife J, Leach D, Galizzi A, editors. Genetics of bacteria. London: Academic Pr; 1985. 286 p.
Luzikov VN. Mitochondrial biogenesis and breakdown. Galkin AV, translator; Roodyn DB, editor. New York (NY): Consultants Bureau; 1985.
Wenger NK, Sivarajan Froelicher E, Smith LK, Ades PA, Berra K, Blumenthal JA, Certo CME, Dattilo AM, Davis D, DeBusk RF, et al. Cardiac rehabilitation. Rockville (MD): Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (US); 1995.
To reference a single chapter of a book, include the chapter number, chapter title, and page range as a part of the reference's "extent".
Author(s). Title. Edition. Place of publication: publisher; date. Extent. Notes.
Gawande A. The checklist manifesto: how to get things right. New York (NY): Metropolitan Books; 2010. Chapter 3, The end of the master builder; p. 48–71.
To reference a chapter in an edited book, include the editors and title of the book in which the chapter appears.
Rapley R. Recombinant DNA and genetic analysis. In: Wilson K, Walker J, editors. Principles and techniques of biochemistry and molecular biology. 7th ed. New York (NY): Cambridge University Press; 2010. p. 195–262.
Weber JL, Broman KW. Genotype for human whole-genome scans: past, present, and future. In: Rao DC, Province MA, editors. Genetic Dissection of Complex Traits: Academic Pr, 2001. p 77-96.
Journal titles are usually abbreviated in bibliographic references. For the recommended list of word abbreviations, visit ISSN's List of Title Word Abbreviations.
Author(s). Article title. Journal title. Date;volume(issue):location.
Monger WA, Spence NJ, Foster GD. Molecular evidence that the aphid-transmitted Tomato mild mottle virus belongs to the Potyviridae family but not the Potyvirus genus. Arch. Virol. 2001 Dec;146(12):2435-41.
References to websites and other electronic resources follow the same guidelines as print materials with the inclusion of a date modified or accessed and a URL. If a website does not include a named author, start with the title of the home page. A DOI may be included as a Note.
Examples of Different Formats:
APSnet: plant pathology. St Paul (MN): American Phytopathological Association; c1994–2005 [accessed 2005 Jun 20]. http://www.apsnet.org/.
Brogden KA, Guthmille JM, editors. Polymicrobial diseases. Washington (DC): ASM Press; 2002 [accessed February 28, 2014]. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK2475/.
Fogarty M. Formatting titles on Twitter and Facebook [blog]. Grammar Girl: Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing. 2012 Aug 14. [accessed 2012 Oct 19]. http://grammar.quickanddirtytips.com/formatting-titles-on-twitter-and-facebook.aspx.
Savage E, Ramsay M, White J, Beard S, Lawson H, Hunjan R, Brown D. Mumps outbreaks across England and Wales in 2004: observational study. BMJ. 2005 [accessed 2005 May 31];330(7500):1119–1120. http://bmj.bmjjournals.com/cgi/reprint/330/7500/1119. doi:10.1136/bmj.330.7500.1119.