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Communication Resources

New Books

Global Tabloid: Culture and Technology
The Virus Touch: Theorizing Epidemic Media
Reporting on Sexual Violence in the #MeToo Era
News Quality in the Digital Age
Crime in TV, the News, and Film: Misconceptions, Mischaracterizations, and Misinformation
Navigating White News: Asian American Journalists at Work
Skimpy Coverage: Sports Illustrated and the Shaping of the Female Athlete
When Communication Became a Discipline
Transformative Media: Intersectional Technopolitics from Indymedia to #BlackLivesMatter
Writing for Their Lives: America's Pioneering Female Science Journalists

Finding Books and Using the Snowden Online Catalog

The Library of Congress (LC) classification (the system Snowden Library uses to organize books) for communication falls under the broader category of "language and literature" and begins with the letter P. The general categories for communication are:​

  • P 87-96 = Communication. Mass media
  • P 99.5-99.6 = Nonverbal communication
  • PN 1990-1992.92 = Broadcasting
  • PN 4001-4355 = Oratory, elocatution, etc.
  • PN 4699-5650 = Journalism, the periodical press, etc.

You can find these general categories on the 4th floor of Snowden Library. You may want to browse the shelf where books on your subject are located to see what is available. For more targeted searching, use the search boxes below.

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Searching Beyond Snowden


Don't see what you need at Snowden? You can search for books available at other libraries that you can request via InterLibrary Loan using

E-Z Borrow

If you know a book title you want, you can also use E-Z Borrow to order it from other libraries in or near Pennsylvania.