Snowden Library subscribes to databases specific to the academic programs offered at Lycoming College. Databases contain various kinds of information, including:
Search engines, like Google, look for material that is freely available online. Information that can be retrieved by search engines includes:
Different methods are used by library databases and search engines to retrieve information. Since all the information found in a library database is organized by subject terms and keywords, library databases uses the keywords and specific phrases you put into the search bar to find information.
Search engines allow for natural (or everyday) language and questions, but you can also apply the same search strategies you would use in a database to your Google searches. Search engines also retrieve sponsored or promotional content and use algorithms to sort through information based on your location and your recent search activity. Google is a good place to start your research and get an overview of your topic, but don't stop your research process there.
Keywords are the main ideas of your research questions or topic. Since there are many ways to describe one concept, it is a best practice to have a variety of keywords and synonyms to search with to get better results. You can combine your keywords with the following strategies to make sure you retrieve the most relevant sources for your research.
You can use multiple operators in one query, combine them, and "nest" the terms with parenthesis. Ex: social media AND (teenagers OR young adults)
Depending on the database, this could be searching by Title, Author or Publication Date. Also look for Descriptors or Subject Terms assigned to relevant articles, then search by those terms.
Combining multiple strategies takes practice, here are a few examples of how it can be done:
Don't hesitate to Contact a Librarian if you are having difficulty finding relevant articles.