Welcome to the class research guide for ENGL 353: Asian American Literature with Dr. Nguyen. This guide provides recommended library resources, including reference materials, relevant databases, and scholarly books.
Primary Sources in English tend to be literary works, such as a specific play, poem, or novel. A primary source is something in its original form without being analyzed or seen through any filter.
Secondary Sources in English analyze and interpret primary source materials. Many academic articles and books fall into this category. These sources utilize primary sources to analyze, interpret, or discuss a concept.
Tertiary Sources in English further repackage the original information through indexing, condensing, or summarizing. These sources are found in the Reference Collection and include encyclopedias and dictionaries. A textbook is often considered a tertiary source.
Keywords are the main ideas of your research question or topic. Since there are many ways to describe one concept, it is best practice to have a variety of keywords and synonyms to explore the databases.
"Phrase Searching" The search results will contain the exact phrase entered with quotation marks.
Combine your keywords using AND / OR / NOT
Use the EBSCO eBook search box to locate online books
Use the Catalog to search through Snowden Library's physical collection
Don't see your desired title in our collection? You can request it below:
If you know a book title you want, you can also use E-Z Borrow to order it from other libraries in or near Pennsylvania. E-Z Borrow has longer borrowing times than InterLibrary Loan and gets mailed to Snowden Library quickly.
InterLibrary Loan (ILL) is used when E-Z Borrow doesn't include the title you seek. ILL books take longer to be shipped to Snowden Library and have to be returned sooner.