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Lycoming College Institutional Repository

In this guide, you will find information about Lycoming College's Institutional Repository, submission guidelines and an FAQ.

About the Institutional Repository (IR)

What is the Institutional Repository (IR)?

The Lycoming College Institutional Repository provides online open access to Lycoming College student and faculty scholarship, institutional publications, materials from the Humanities Research Center (HRC), and materials from the Lycoming College Archives.

You can access it here: Lycoming College Institutional Repository

What are the objectives of the IR?

The project’s objective is to collect and disseminate Lycoming College's community’s research and creative output. The goals are:

  • Centralizing storage and providing easy access to scholarly and creative works; 
  • Fostering visibility for faculty and student research and collaborations; 
  • Preserving institutional knowledge; 
  • Promoting open access; 
  • Meeting grant requirements to ensure the visibility and accessibility of research produced without delays.

What is the collection policy for the IR?

Systematic Collection

The following materials will be collected systematically in the Institutional Repository:

  • Honors papers
  • Haberberger projects
  • Humanities Research Center (HRC) outputs 
  • Award winning student work (ex: Richard L. Mix ’51 Miriam S. Mix Research Writing Prize in History and Ed Gabriel First-Year Writing & Research Prize)

Please see the submission guidelines in the next tab. It is possible to opt out of the submission, embargo your work, or only submit a physical copy to the archives.

Voluntary Submissions

Other materials can be submitted to the Institutional Repository, including but not limited to:

  • Capstone projects
  • Student conference posters and presentations
  • Faculty and student research collaborations
  • Accepted manuscript, when the author is allowed by the publisher to self-archive (see more in the FAQ on Green Open Access)
  • Oral histories and podcasts
  • Artworks and image galleries
  • Grey literature and white papers

For students who would like to submit these types of works, the support of the instructor of the course in which it is produced is required. If you would like to submit your work to the Institutional Repository but are not sure whether it fits, please contact