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Education Resources

Background information and reference resources

Background information can help you prepare for further research by explaining concepts related to your topic, especially if you are researching an unfamiliar topic or discipline. Entries in reference resources tend to be short and can help you get started with research on a new topic, identify trends in a subject area, and define unfamiliar terms or people from your readings. Reference resources include encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases and handbooks. 

General Reference Databases

Reference Books


Ref. LB15 .R285 2007

Historical Dictionary of School Segregation and Desegregation
CALL NUMBER:  Ref. LC212.52 .R34 1998

Greenwood dictionary of education
CALL NUMBER: Ref. LB15 .G68 2003

Learning Theories A to Z
CALL NUMBER:  Ref. LB15 .L4695 2002


Critical Thinking and Learning: An Encyclopedia for Parents and Teachers
CALL NUMBER:  Ref. LB1590.3 .C735 2004

Early childhood education : an international encyclopedia
CALL NUMBER: Ref. LB1139.23 .E272 2007

Education and Sociology: An Encyclopedia
CALL NUMBER:  Ref. LC189.95 .E38 2002

Encyclopedia of African-American Education
CALL NUMBER:  Ref. LC2717 .E53 1996

Encyclopedia of American Education
CALL NUMBER:  Ref. LB17 .U54 2007

Encyclopedia of Bilingualism and Bilingual Education
CALL NUMBER:  Ref. LC3707 .E53 1998

Encyclopedia of children, adolescents, and the media
CALL NUMBER: Ref. HQ784.M3 E53 2007

Encyclopedia of Early Childhood Education
CALL NUMBER:  Ref. LB1139.25 .E53 1992

Encyclopedia of Education
CALL NUMBER:  Ref. LB15 .E47 2003

Encyclopedia of Learning Disabilities
CALL NUMBER: Ref. LC4704.5 .T86 2006

Encyclopedia of school psychology
CALL NUMBER: Ref. LB1027.55 .E523 2005

Gender and Education: An Encyclopedia
CALL NUMBER: Ref. LC213 .G425 2007

Philosophy of Education: An Encyclopedia
CALL NUMBER:  Ref. LB17 .P485 1996

Race, ethnicity, and education
CALL NUMBER: Ref. LC1099.3 .R33 2006

Standards and Schooling in the United States: An Encyclopedia
CALL NUMBER:  Ref. LB2822.82 .S82 2001

Women in Higher Education: An Encyclopedia
CALL NUMBER:  Ref. LC1569 .W66 2002


Elementary education : a reference handbook
CALL NUMBER: Ref. LB1555 .H297 2005

Handbook of Research on Multicultural Education
CALL NUMBER: Ref. LC1099.3 .H35 2004

Multicultural and Diversity Education: A Reference Handbook
CALL NUMBER:  Ref. LC1099.3 .A66 2002

Requirements for Certification of Teachers, Counselors, Librarians, Administrators for Elementary and Secondary Schools
CALL NUMBER:  Ref. LB1771 .R4

Special Education: A Reference Handbook
CALL NUMBER:  Ref. LC3981 .S33 2001

Understanding Educational Reform: A Reference Handbook
CALL NUMBER:  Ref. LA209.2 .H58 2002